The Calusa Herpetological Society
Of Southwest Florida

Thursday, October 4, 20127:00 pm

SPEAKER & TOPIC :   At this month's meeting we are taking a break from the usual guest speaker protocol. Tonight will show a movie about the plight of Madagascar tortoises. The tortoises of Madagascar (radiated tortoise {Astrochelys radiata}, ploughshare tortoise {Astrochelys yniphora), spider tortoise {Pyxis arachnoides} and flat-tail tortoise {Pyxis planicauda}) are some of the rarest species in the world. These tortoises are being poached at alarming rates from the wild and sold in foreign markets. This documentary outlines the issues with preserving the remaining populations of these tortoises and the work that is being by the Turtle Conservancy in this battle. This is really an eye opening look at problems in Madagascar and in many other parts of the world.


WHO'S INVITED ? You are! Anyone with an interest in any aspect of herpetology or herpetoculture is welcome to attend, learn, and exchange their experiences with our friendly membership. Come out to meet others who keep, breed or study reptiles and amphibians, and let them share their fascination with you. We average 35 – 70 people attending every meeting.



Cookies and cold soda, a nightly raffle of live herps, herp products, and books follow each speaker's talk, and lots of herp camaraderie, gossip, and fun can be counted upon at all meetings !

For more info , call (239) 728-2390 or (239) 481-3525 or  EMAIL:   

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