The Calusa Herpetological Society
Of Southwest Florida

Thursday, February 6, 20207:00 pm


     This month's presentation is by Daniel Parker of Sunshine Serpents ( Through his company he guides reptile-themed eco-tours, gives educational presentations, photographs herps, assists with TV and film productions, and breeds captive reptiles. Daniel is also a biologist with DRMP and a volunteer for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF). He hopes that his work has helped to promote an increased understanding of Florida's natural environment and the wildlife that lives here.


     Parker's photographs have been published in books such as the newly-released Amphibians and Reptiles of Florida and Amphibians and Reptiles of Sanibel & Captiva Islands: A Natural History. His photos have also appeared in Reptiles, Reptilia, and Herp Nation magazines, as well as numerous other publications worldwide.


   For the Calusa Herp Society, Daniel will be presenting The Tiny Turtles - Field Observations and Captive Maintenance of Mud and Musk Turtles. This presentation will cover years of field adventures with these enchanting little turtles from the Everglades, up to the Appalachian Mountains, west to the Sonoran desert, and south to the jungles of Central America. It will also include Daniel's insights into captive care and breeding.


WHO'S INVITED ? You are! Anyone with an interest in any aspect of herpetology or herpetoculture is welcome to attend, learn, and exchange their experiences with our friendly membership. Come out to meet others who keep, breed or study reptiles and amphibians, and let them share their fascination with you. We average 20 – 35 people attending every meeting.

Cookies and cold soda, a nightly raffle of live herps, herp products, and books follow each speaker's talk, and lots of herp camaraderie, gossip, and fun can be counted upon at all meetings !

For more info , call (239) 728-2390 or (239) 481-3525 or  EMAIL:   


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